Xolo unveiled the Q500 smartphone in its Quad-Core series of smartphones recently. This smartphone comes with a pre-loaded X-TransPic App that lets users to translate Hindi signboards to English. The device comes powered by a 1.2GHz Quad-Core processor coupled with 1GB RAM. Xolo has phones in the same category in its ‘A’ series of smartphones but they do not come with so much of power on board.
The Xolo Q500 comes boasts a 4-inch touch screen display with a resolution of 480x800 pixels, about 233 pixels per inch density. This smartphone also has a graphic processor which helps in offloading some task from the primary processor to boost battery life. On the software front, there is Android 4.1 Jelly Bean OS on board, which helps optimize the productivity and gaming experience of the device.
Xolo Q500 has a 4GB of on board storage along with 1GB RAM. The device comes with memory expansion port and takes in micro SD cards up to 32GB.