Science can make you Young: Abdul Kalaam
New Delhi: The three days long event for 3rd National level Exhibition and Project Competitions (NLEPC) under the INSPIRE Awards Scheme of the Ministry of Science & Technology today began here in New Delhi with a call from Dr. A.P.J.Abdul Kalaam, Former President of India to the young buds in Science to do some thing unique. He said “Great minds are remembered in the society for their unique thinking and action”. Also, science gives you better eyes because science can remove the mental blindfolds and it gives your brain a challenge to solve many scientific problems that are yet to be solved.
Dr. Kalaam was sharing his thoughts with the participants on the topic “Science empowers you.” He cited the examples of some of the great icons of sciences like Issac Newton, the discoverer of the Laws of Gravitational force, Albert Einstein the discoverer of general relativity theory, Stephen Hawking explained the string theory with an attempt to integrate multiple loss of nature, Sir CV Raman the discoverer of Raman effect, Chandrasekhar Subramanyam, discoverer of Chandra limit and black-hole, and Srinivasa Ramanujan the number theory originator, Sir Humphry Devy the Member of the Royal Society and a famous Scientist knighted in Chemistry, and Michael Farradey, generator of electricity using magnetism in this connection. He said the unique great minds succeeded because research – research – research were their foundation. I am sure, the INSPIRE programme is exactly is to promote research and scientific discovery through ignited the minds like you.
Dr. Kalaam said “History again and again has proved that at no time the crowd has achieved any unique solution to the world, but it is only the ingenuity of the individual and intellectual supremacy, that has brought all the best which the society is enjoying”. Hence, “ the challenge, my young friends, is that you have to fight the hardest battle, which any human being can ever imagine to fight; and never stop fighting until you arrive at your destined place, that is, a UNIQUE YOU! Friends what will be your tools to fight this battle”- He added.
Dr. Kalaam said , young friends it is the education gives you wings to fly. Achievement comes out of fire in our sub-conscious mind that “I will win”, “I will win”. So, each one of you here and elsewhere, will have “wings of fire” to fly. The wings of fire will indeed lead to knowledge, which will make you to fly as you like.
He said the unique great minds succeeded because research – research – research were their foundation. He expressed the hope that the INSPIRE programme is exactly is to promote research and scientific discovery through ignited the minds like you.
The Welcome adderess was delivered by Dr. T.Ramasami, Secretary Department of Science & Technology, Govt. of India , who briefed about the INSPIRE activities. He said a Jury consisting of 250 persons have evaluated the projects put for awards.
Earlier the exhibition was inaugurated by Shri Ajit Kumar Seth, Cabinet Secretary, Government of India.
About 900 selected Awardees from all over the country are participating in the event.
Innovation in Science Pursuit for Inspired Research (INSPIRE) is a National Programme implemented by the Ministry for attraction of talent amongst students to study science and pursue career with research.
The basic objective of INSPIRE is to communicate to the youth of the country the excitement of creative pursuit of science, attract talent to the study of science at an early age and thus build the required critical human resource pool for strengthening and expanding the science and technology system and R&D base. The programme was launched by the Prime Minister on 13th December 2008. The implementation started during 2009-10.